Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Buzzing Bee's/Pumpkin Blooms!

I have a lot of buzzing bees in my garden this year because I did some research
and found out that pumpkin blooms need to be pollinated several times to get
a pumpkin. So I planted lots of flowers around them. So good.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


I planted my tomatoes in a greenhouse this year.....we'll see if this helps!!

Look at those crazy tomato plants! I had to cut part of the top of the greenhouse off
so they could have some air and room! I have bunches of cherry tomatoes and
roma in the back!! (Shayne, can you believe this?)

I have already eaten several cherry tomatoes right off of the vine...they taste
the best that way!! They rarely make it to the house!


I have a few sunflowers in my garden! It will be a couple more weeks before they
open up. Here are a couple of photos of the buds. Love!
(update 7-28-13)
My sunflower opened up today!!!!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


I went back out to the Berry Farm once again...but this time I picked some blackberries as well as  one more bucket of raspberries. I came home and made a mouth watering blackberry cobbler. I used my daughter's recipe and it was to die for.

Recipe for cobbler
In a large pie plate place
3 heaping cups of berries.
Sprinkle 1/4 cup sugar over them.
In a medium bowl mix together well, using a fork
2 eggs, 2 cups sugar and 2 cups flour.
Now take a handful of mixture in your hand and squeeze it together and place on top of the berries. Keep doing this until the entire top is covered and all of the dough has been used.
Melt 2 TB of butter and drizzle over the top of crust. Sprinkle a few tsp. of sugar over the butter.
Bake in a 375 degree oven (uncovered) for 35-40 minutes or until bubbly and the 
crust has become golden brown. (ovens may vary)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Raspberry Pickn'!

Today I had a wonderful time picking raspberries with Cindy. We traveled out to one of the U-pick berry farms. It was a gorgeous sunny day. A perfect day for picking. What a beautiful farm...clean...peaceful.

Ten jars of fresh raspberry jam canned.