Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tea Party/Wedding Planning!

Pinky's up darling.

Our table.

Blueberry mini muffins and tea pot shaped tea sandwiches.

My new tablecloth and napkins especially for our tea party's. So pretty! Pineapple and strawberry
skewers along with apple slices and cherries.

Today I had a delightful tea party with my youngest daughter and my youngest granddaughter. We had a splendid time. We also did a little wedding planning. It is coming fast!!! We ordered the more thing to check off the list. 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Singing In The Rain

I went out for a walk today despite the pouring rain. Everything was soaking wet and clean. I love
the sun but there is something about how everything looks and smells 
 in the rain. I also did a little singing while I was out there!! 

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Honkers

I went to the bay today to pick up a few rocks and while I was there a flock of geese landed right in front of me. What an AMAZING sight that was. I got my camera out to capture this incredible moment in my life. I also took a video of them honking away and will include it someday when I figure that one out. I love the Pacific Northwest!  
Okay......I figured it year later!!!!!!! Better late than never!!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Woods


Today the sun came out, finally, and dried up all the gallons of rain we have had lately so I went for a nature walk in the woods where we live.  Everything was so green and lush and there were buttercups, daisies, raspberries and wild roses everywhere. The baby fern shoots were uncurling and the birds were serenading me as I strolled along.  As I was enjoying the view my eye caught something unusual on a tree in the distance, so I climbed through the weeds and brush to get a closer look and a better view. It was a huge mushroom-like growth on the trunk of a tree, in fact there were two of them. I was very curious about it so I picked up a stick to touch it and see if it was soft or hard. It looked soft but I was surprised to feel that it was as hard as a rock. A very interesting find. Walking in the woods brings joy into my life and makes me feel alive! God's creation is amazing! 

Friday, June 1, 2012

First Pickin's

Look at these gorgeous radishes! My first pick of the season.
Wow..those spinach leafs are huge! Greek omelette for
dinner tonight!