We checked out of our Hotel..had breakfast...then..."On the road again." We passed up so many fruit stands but stopped at many as well! Mary wanted watermelons and watermelons she got! I flipped a U'ie when we saw a sign that read, "HOME GROWN WATERMELONS ~ left. So we went left. The road took us way deep into a neighborhood that had a table under a big giant tree piled with watermelons. A young boy around twelve met us at our car. We asked him if he grew the melons and he said that his whole family did. Mary got out and walked over to look. I followed them out to a huge field covered in watermelon vines and a pumpkin patch. He helped her find a good one. We had so much fun!!
One of the seven fruit stands we stopped at on our road trip. Mary was a very
Mary out in the watermelon patch.
Ken showing Mary how to pick the perfect watermelon.
Mary picking and dusting off the dirt from the one she chose.
The picnic table with watermelons.
We made another left on that road and it led us back to a winery. We did a little wine tasting and find out the history of the winery. There was also a Monastery on the property. The stones are over 800 years old...read more here: http://www.redding.com/news/2008/nov/28/sacred-act/ What an amazing sight to see.
Inside the wine tasting room. They preserved the railroad tracks
when they built the winery. They run right through the building.
Acres of walnut trees are also on the property.